Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rising From the Ashes - the Mutts and Stories Rally

 The organized rally will not be happening this year.  So who needs an organized rally?  I invested a lot in this year's event.  Why not do it anyway?  On my own?  Thus, I am formally announcing Mutt Ron's One-Man Mutts and Stories Cross Country Rally! 
So here's the deal - I will depart California on July 5th and head north.  Then east.  Then....well, I'm not real sure.  All I know is that I have to be in Pittsburgh by the 13th, then on to Gettysburg to meet up with my fellow Road Glide riders in's first nationally rally.  After a four-day weekend it's back into marathon rally mode, as I head back home.  If all goes well, I'll be home three weeks after I left.  Come out and say hi as I rumble by your town!


  1. Looking forward to following you here on your trip! I'm starting to plan a trip like yours. Only from Massachusetts to CA along the southern states, then north through Sturgis and across north back to MA.
    Looking forward to your travels...
    You should have a facebook account setup so you can post pictures right from a smartphone.

  2. Goodluck fellow Mutt, I will be following your trip. I wish I had my new bike so I could go with you. Sounds like a good time and a great adventure.
