Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Shopping Spree

A Personal Mission to Stimulate the Economy

This trip has somehow created a sudden urge to spend untold amounts of money.  For some reason, I must have a new….well, everything.  Some of the new purchases one can justify - modern GPS unit, heated vest, new memory card (with vastly more megabytes), for instance. 

Then there are the things that should probably be regarded as "nice to have," but to me they are just flat necessary.  New gloves, new camera – the gloves and camera I had were perfectly good.  But they must be replaced, for they have been deemed unworthy.  They are old.  New sunglasses - gotta have 'em (even though my collection of sunglasses numbers in the dozens).  Not just one pair, though.  For some reason three pairs became necessary.  I’m throwing money around like a drunken Democrat.  New rainsuit.  The old one works just fine.  It fits well, folds up nicely, and most importantly keeps me dry.  But that's not good enough.  Because it’s not new.  Evidently I have an aversion to anything that is not new.  Or cheap.  Within 30 days the rally will be under way, and the allocated trip funds are dwindling rapidly.  I can’t stop spending.  I just bought new duct tape. 

I need help.  I may have to stage my own intervention before I deplete my life savings.  Well, at least the gas will be affordable…..wait….what?!?

1 comment:

  1. On the bright side, you have some nice new shiny stuff to enjoy! Ha ha ha... but paying the bills can feel a bit sad, especially when it's for a shopping spree, doesn't it? Still, having some sort of advance payday loans can be helpful here. It really does feel more fun once you get to finish paying for the stuff you bought.
