Monday, January 31, 2011

World's "Finest" Riders?

Friend and fellow enthusiast Rick alerted me to this dubious label that American Iron Magazine has bestowed upon those of us partaking of this little trip - 1,000 of the finest motorcycle riders in the world!

Now I don't exactly recall being asked my motorcycling skill level, but if by virtue of participating in the Guts and Glory Rally, I'm considered one of the world's finest, so be it.  However, the fact that they have the departure date wrong, a mistake that is repeated twice in the article, places American Iron's credibility somewhere between that of a North Korean Craig's List and that Nigerian prince that needs my help getting money out of the country.  Look American Iron, we are motorcycle riders, not New York policemen.  We may be 1,000 of the craziest motorcylists, we may be 1,000 of the dumbest, but I guarantee that we are not 1,000 of the "finest."  Thanks for the compliment, though.

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